Welcome to the X-Roads
X-Roads Main Page

About the Bar

First Three Floors

Remaining Floorplans

Rumors and News

Op and Character sheet Info

Characters in X-Roads


As much as this first page sucks, I cannot alter it at the moment, having not had the chance to brush up on my HTML. So please bear with me, and check over the rest of the site as your time warrents.
X-Roads Updates
Began website today, January 24, 2001

At some point in the past, I was off-lined for almost an entire year, unable to come on line and maintain the channel. Things happened, and for some reason, the original channel died off. I don't really care why, but I am back, and I intend to do what I can to make this a fun, entertaining place to spend time and flex your imaginations.

So sit back, interact, and enjoy.


How many people have I suckered...uh...asked, to come to this page?

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