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Desmond's E-mail

A little bit about the Ops
Alright folks, this here is the page where you can come and find out who the ops are for this channel, and also find out what the rules are that we apply to ourselves, just so you know that we do not judge arbitrariy....most of the time :)

First, for the rules we have governing our own conduct. Not our rp conduct or any crap like that, but the ground rules for deciding when to kick and when to ban people.

1) When a person is Power Gaming or God Moding, we will talk to them in private message after A) we notice the person doing it in the channel, or B) another Role Player brings it to our attention. In the private message we will point out what the problem is, and ask them to not repeat it.
2) If they persist, we will then warn them directly in the channel for everyone to see.
3) Once they do it a third time, they will be kicked. They may return right away; the kick is meant as a warning shot fired over their heads, that kind of thing.
4) A second kicking will be given if the person is, in my opinion, stupid enough to do it again.
5) Finally, if the offending person does it one more time after the two kicks, they will be banned. No more chances.

Now, there are seperate rules in place for how we deal with people who come in strictly to chat, or for people who spam or flood.


1) When a chatter enters the room, they will be told either by an out of character post or a private message that this is a Role Playing channel, and not a chat room.
2) If they wish to learn more about Role Playing, they will be directed to this website and asked to read the first page. They may then remain in the room and observe the Role Play in order to learn.
3) If they refuse to read the page, or refuse to stop chatting, they will be kicked. If they come back and start all over again, they will be banned.

Spammers and Flooders

1) Both will be told once to stop, if they continue, they will be kicked.
2) If they persist, *bang* gone, they will be banned.

All that being said, I just want to go over something. Our Ops do not get paid to do this stuff, just as I do not get paid to work on the website in addition to Opping in the channel. Because we are doing this out of the goodness of our heart, and the hope that we will eventually rule the world :), we ask only one thing from our players in return. Respect. Please have the decency and maturity to accept our choices when presented with a problem. We are trying to balance the enjoyment of everyone in the channel, not just a few people. Please do not argue with us over decisions that we make if they do not go in your favor. Life sucks, the dice don't always roll in your favor, etc. We really don't want to spend an hour argueing with a person just because in their mind their character is a god who can do no wrong. Life does not work that way. If you continue to argue with an op after getting their ruling, they are in their rights to kick you until you settle down and play nice...and if you don't calm down, we don't want you in the channel.

Also, if you get a decision from one op that you do not like, do not, I repeat DO NOT go to another op and try and slip it by them to get the decision reversed. If I find out that someone is playing two or more ops against each other like that, they will be lucky to get off with a temporary ban.

For the most part you would think that this stuff is pretty common sense, but considering that it's already happened at times, I suppose it needs to be spelled out

Online Contact Info
Chris/Strobe/Kurgen's e-mail